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Scallops over Kohlrabi Orzo


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We made a kohlrabi orzo dish from Inspiralized. We decided to skip the spiralizing then dicing and instead tried just used the grater on the food processor. It extracted a lot of liquid too so we used the salad spinner to dry it.

We also misread the thing about arugula being a replacement for Egyptian spinach and instead used regular. We also forgot the lemon juice.

Honestly, the meal was fine but rather boring! There wasn't much flavor to the orzo. The scallops were good enough to stand on their own but the base was just boring. Oh well.

Kohlrabi and Egyptian Spinach Creamy "Orzo" with Seared Lemon Scallops (from Inspiralized)

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Original Wordpress ID and Date: 9562, 2015-01-28_205522